Archives par mot-clef : marée noire


After the Spill Louisiana is better ! Where so happy for our southern friends, although we were so scared and shocked with the oil spill last year, that today we are so happy ! GO SOUTH ! SUPPORT GULF !!! … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 7 VIDEO, 8 VOYAGES | Tagué , , , , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

THIS IZ FLY vol 2 #3

See that cover ? Its my face. My face after august, after the heavy hot summer days, the ones that hardly give you enough air to breath. That’s what my face looks like. That’s also my face when I’m back … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 3 ART, 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 5 MUSIQUE, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 8 VOYAGES, SHOPPING | Tagué , , , , , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire


Publié dans 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 6 EL MOUCHING ! | Tagué , , , , | Laisser un commentaire