Archives par mot-clef : Matt Harris


On vous a déjà parlé de Matt Harris ici, c’est un pur photographe de pêche ! Aussi allez voir sa dernière série de photo sur l’Islande, ça jette ! We already present you the trenendous work of Matt Harris, then … Lire la suite

Publié dans 6 EL MOUCHING ! | Tagué , , , | Laisser un commentaire


Matt Harris is a london based professional photographer but of course a mad crazy fly fisherman, whenever he travels the world to fish he always take his camera. The results are some of the best fishing pics in the business. … Lire la suite

Publié dans 6 EL MOUCHING ! | Tagué , , , , | Laisser un commentaire


This issue is DOPE ! Nothing to say nothing to add, it’s all in the mag ! So clever, as were starting to get withdrawals from our bi-monthy dose of fish dope, here comes This Is Fly ! An amazing … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 2 LITTERATURE, 3 ART, 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 5 MUSIQUE, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 7 VIDEO, 8 VOYAGES, SHOPPING | Tagué , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire

CATCH # 15

When I was in Cuba, this last spring I met a real nice guy, not the kind of fisherman you meet sometimes and you wished they never showed up. No, an english gentleman, Matt and his flyfishing buddy Tim. We … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 3 ART, 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 7 VIDEO, 8 VOYAGES, SHOPPING | Tagué , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire


When I was in Cuba, I had the luck to meet real nice people, and among those fishermen I’ve met was Matt Harris. You can’t miss the guy, he’s funny, nice, big, generous and always has a smile on his … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 3 ART, 4 NATURE & ENVIRONNEMENT, 6 EL MOUCHING !, SHOPPING | Tagué , , , , , | 1 commentaire