Archives par mot-clef : Perch


Beavis & Butt-head go fishing !…Huhuhuhuu…. I love it !!! For once we see flyfishermen like us… not the ones who catch gigantic fish on fancy expeditions wearing the perfect outfit….Huhuhuhuuu… [vimeo w=640&h=370]Beavis & Butt-head à la pêche ! ….Huhuhuhuhuhuu…. … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 7 VIDEO | Tagué , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire


My sister has a boat in Egypt (others have a farm in Africa) and we often go on the Nile, I tried a few times to catch something but only catfish were interested by my rappala… (I know… I confess… … Lire la suite

Publié dans 1 PÊCHE, 6 EL MOUCHING !, 7 VIDEO, 8 VOYAGES | Tagué , , , , , , , | Laisser un commentaire