Le week end dernier en Bretagne à St Brieuc s’est tenu une vente historique dans le petit monde de la pêche à la mouche : la collection de François Hue, dernier artisan spécialisé dans le montage des cannes en bambou refendu, un savoir transmis par les derniers ouvriers de Pezon & Michel. La marque mythique de Amboise avait en effet fermé ses portes eu début des années 90 puis le nom avait été racheté pour renaître avec une politique plus « grand public » et axé sur les pêches aux leurres en général. Sur les 99 cannes mises en vente, deux modèles uniques une Mirage Ricardi de 1953 et une Distance de 1960 ont atteint la rondelette somme de 820€.

In the world of fly fishing Pezon & Michel is a name that no one can avoid, indeed this french company has built some of the most well known bamboo rods from 1860s to 1960s, like the classic PPP (with a second part bigger than the first which gaves a more parabolic action). The company disappeared in the early 90s, actually the name has been bought and the company rebirths in the year 2000s but without the same « savoir faire » (built in Corea, etc…) and much lures and baitcasting orientated. As a fan and the last bamboo crafstman, François Hue had the opportunity to learn from the last workman in the historical factory and later will salvage all the bamboos rod that were left in the warehouse. For many years he has been the only one who could fix P&M rods, some people from the States or Japan even send him mails and lettrers to check if he could repair a rod they have since twenty years ! The man admits it tooks 25hours of work to finish one rod and the whole process of making it takes two years ! Unfortunately the business was low and François decided to sell its treasures.
Then last week-end in Saint-Brieuc took place a very cult auction where François sold his 99 P&M rods. A 1960 Distance and a 1983 Mirage Ricardi, both unique models, reached 820€ (1193$) some others were sold at more reasonable price but undoubtly a page of history has been turned.

A propos Vilmo

quand il ne pêche pas il écoute de la musique
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